Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rupert Murdoch Comments

According to Rupert Murdoch "Some newspapers and news organizations will not adapt to the digital realities of our day- and they will fail." I agree with this statement because more people are turning to the Internet for their source of information.

Murdoch offers what he believes to be the ways newspapers can survive during this switch to digital. "First, media companies need to give people the news they want." Murdoch goes on to add, "My second point follows from my first: Quality content is not free."

I think this is true because the web is very segmented, more people are using it to stay connected with friends and join certain social groups that they feel are important. So it does make sense that companies should select stories that appeal to their audience.

1 comment:

  1. I agreed with his statements, but he has helped in the downfall of newspapers as well. I don't think turning treating content just as paid commodity is the answer. It is the quality and the relevance of the content that matters to the audience.
