Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rupert Murdoch Comments

According to Rupert Murdoch "Some newspapers and news organizations will not adapt to the digital realities of our day- and they will fail." I agree with this statement because more people are turning to the Internet for their source of information.

Murdoch offers what he believes to be the ways newspapers can survive during this switch to digital. "First, media companies need to give people the news they want." Murdoch goes on to add, "My second point follows from my first: Quality content is not free."

I think this is true because the web is very segmented, more people are using it to stay connected with friends and join certain social groups that they feel are important. So it does make sense that companies should select stories that appeal to their audience.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Some History of Shippensburg

So here is some research a found about Shippensburg, Pa. This was meant for a project, but didn't make it in. I thought it was still interesting so I decided to post it on my blog. I think the old pictures are pretty cool. All of the pictures and information is from a book entitled "Olde Shippensburg" by Matt Miller. The book can be found in the Lehmen library on camps in the special collection area.

This is believed to be the oldest house in Shippensburg. "The home as 332 East King Street, which was constructed by Samuel Perry in 1735, may be the oldest building in Shippensburg."

"Two residents of the house at 122 West King Street played prominent roles in printing in the Shippensburg of the early 1800s." One of the first newspapers was called "The Spirit of the Times."

"In 1878, the large frame building which held photographer H. F. Beidel's studio stood on the southeast corner of King and Penn streets."

"The building at 16 North Penn Street has served as one of Shippensburg's entertainment spots for nearly 60 years." This building was known as the Victory Playhouse, which first played silent movies with the addition of an organist playing a pipe organ, to the front and center of the stage.

"The site at 54 East King street once played an important part in Shippensburg's cultural life." "A building known as the Old Opera House stood at this location and during the late 1800s, its second floor, complete with balcony, was used for performances of live shows, musicals and various celebrations. The last major affair held in the building was a March 30, 1899 welcome home reception for Shippenburg's 16 Spanish-American War veterans."

Well that's all for my history lesson. If you would like to know more history this book is a great resource.

Jimmy is Home!!!

So just wanted to take some time to say how proud I am of my brother Jimmy. He has been home about month now after his 6 months in Afghanistan. Jimmy helped save many lives and defended our county. So just wanted to say thank you to him and others who put their lives on the line for our freedom!!!